
Uplift Shuttles

Planning to ride the Upper Mountain trails on Mt Owen?

You will need to book a ride on the Owen Spur Shuttle – and we recommend booking ahead. 

The Owen Spur Shuttles can take you to the trailheads located on top of Mt Owen. Shuttles seat a maximum of six (did we say “book ahead”?!) and the journey up the mountain is an experience in itself. Take in the views while you can, because the journey back down the mountain will demand your focus. To make a booking, give RoamWild a call on 0407 049 612, or hit the button below to check out their website.


Book shuttles here

Important note: The road to the top is gated, very steep and narrow and only accessible by authorised users. Trails cross the road in sections so riders may be on the road at certain points. For the health and safety of all users, it is imperative that all riders use the shuttles provided.

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